Operation: Proposal

Once I saw Operation Proposal's production quality, I was excited. It reminded me so much of 49 Days, what with the touches of actual magic here and there, that I really thought that this was going to be one of 'those' dramas. You know, one of those dramas where every second is precious because at any moment, the episode will be over, and before you know it, the whole drama too.

I recommend this for rainy days where you want something light and fluffy. I'm surprised how fast I lost interest in the main storyline which was about a guy who is the 'maid of honor' to the girl he was always in love with. What's even more heartbreaking is as he's helping the family pack away her things for the honeymoon, he finds a love note she wrote when she was in high school, confessing her love for him. If only he had had the courage to ask her out. As he's crying his heart out in an empty park, a 'time conductor' comes and grants him his wish, he can go back in time and fix what he regrets. Except, once isn't good enough, in every episode, he goes back in time to another moment at least once.

Every time he went back in time, he changed; overall, he become braver, more confident, but cockier (which is bad). What I enjoyed most of all in this drama were the lives of his friends that changed with him. Haven't you learned what happens when you mess with the time/space continuum (or something...). 

I cried at the end. Rewatched it, and cried even harder. But oh boy, did I love it. If only the middle of the story, where they actually become a couple and he ruins it(and in the present are ex-lovers trying to still be friends) was never there... For great acting, a clever plot (it's based on a Japanese drama called Puropƍzu Daisakusen) and for an amazingly fulfilling and clever ending I give this a ...


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